The Cost of Couples Counseling
What is the cost of marriage counseling or couples counseling in Chicago? The answer depends on your insurance. This page will give you more information about the cost of marriage, couples, and relationship counseling here at Couples Counseling Associates.
With Insurance
We are in-network with Blue Cross/Blue Shield. We check insurance benefits and bill this insurance only. If you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO insurance, we bill your insurance directly. You are responsible for co-pays and deductibles.
Other Insurance
For all other insurance, we offer a complimentary check of benefits and provide complementary out-of-network billing for clients who have another insurance plan. You will need to pay for our services first. Your insurance provider will reimburse you directly.
We can also provide you with a statement that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement through your out-of-network provider benefits or your flexible spending account. You will need to pay for our services first and then submit the statement to your insurance company for reimbursement.
The longer you wait to invest in your relationship, the more expensive the repairs may be later on.
Out of Pocket Costs
Many of our clients decide not to use their insurance benefits.
The fees for our services for marriage counseling, couples counseling, relationship counseling and education are:
- $165 or $250 for the initial session, depending on length and associate. Fees after the first session vary by associate.
- $140/200 for a standard 50-minute session
- $180/250 for a 75-minute session
- $225/300 for a 90-minute session
Longer sessions are generally not covered by insurance. We also offer a limited number of lower fee sessions. Call to inquire.
Out-of-Pocket Extended Sessions
Extended or intensive couples sessions are also available for the convenience of couples who live or work out of town or who want to get more done in a shorter period of time. This option may also be a good choice for couples who can’t schedule weekly sessions.
Please note: Insurance does not cover couples intensive sessions.
All-day weekend intensives are also available.
How are we different from other providers of couples and relationship counseling services?
Couples Counseling Associates is one of the few therapy practices in the city that specializes in helping couples who want to improve their relationship.
We offer individualized solutions to your unique relationship challenges. Call or email us if you are interested in more information about our marriage counseling, couples counseling, and same-sex counseling services. We answer all calls, emails, and inquiries promptly.
A Quick Video About our Services
Is Couples Counseling Worth It?
When you think about the cost of couples counseling, it is important to take into account that attending couples counseling is like making an investment in the future.
Paying attention to the relationship indicates that you are serious about nurturing it, preserving it, or changing it.
A relationship needs maintenance in order to survive and thrive. If you don’t take care of a leaking roof, chances are the roof will collapse. If you forget to maintain your car along the way, the repairs will be more expensive down the road. Your relationship is the same: It is worth investing to maintain the relationship so it doesn’t deteriorate.